Why doesn’t everyone think like me? I know I’m right. Why doesn’t everyone else?
Is this what we have become? There are two or three or four sides to everything. Every thought, every action, every feeling, everything. We should all respect each other no matter what we think and they think. After all I don’t think I am God. Or you are for that matter. So why are we so stubborn in our beliefs?
Whos to say this administration is right and the last one was wrong. Whos to say the last administration was right and this one is wrong? I have my views on the subject but I’d like to know yours too. Maybe you are right. Maybe I am! When you get honest with yourself history will be the judge. Not us not now.
I just had my 70th birthday and my whole life I have felt if we could harness the good in everyone WOW would this place be something. Think about it. The USA has some wonderful minds, as does Russia, and China, and Spain, Italy and on and on. Imagine putting all these people together for the good of all of us.
Pipe dream? Maybe but it is my dream to have all these great minds working on issues that effect us all. Is the e or a. I told you I don’t spell well. Get over it.
Anyway that’s my thoughts for today. Have a great day my friends and remember to realize you might be wrong or they might be right.