The pandemic again.

Well I posted things about this prior but we are still fighting this everyday.

I first want to give thanks to all the people in hospital and other healthcare workers dealing with this. You are all amazing to be able to work with this. I don’t think I could. Well we do what we need to do right so maybe I would surprise myself. But it would be a horrifying experience. THANK YOU.

I hear more people are getting vaccinated. This is a good thing. Better late than never. More still need to put down their ridiculous reasons not to, and go get vaccinated. Some had said the FDA didn’t OK it so we’re not going to get it. Well that excuse is no longer valid. Got get vaccinated.

Help yourself, your families, your neighbors, and your country. Go get vaccinated.

I want this over and I’m sure you do too. Let’s beat this thing once and for all!
