Do I not live in America anymore?

Do I not live in America anymore?
I use the phone to call a company and can’t understand the broken English on the other end.
Facebook seems to be 85% Spanish speaking and the ads and videos are from other countries.
The grocery store isles are filled with people speaking something other than English.
It is harder and harder to find clear English speaking Doctors.
I don’t consider myself to be prejudice. I don’t dislike anyone based on their heritage but why don’t people speak English?


A few words on tipping.
I love to tip a worker that does a good or exceptional job. I tip what I can afford 15-20% usually more if I have more. But…
It seems lately every one is asking for a tip. I see it on every credit card bill a list of tips they are asking for. I go thru the car wash and they ask for a tip. They don’t even do any work.
I realize times are tuff but they are tuff for everyone. Is this part of the new movement? I think its called Wake. Everyone should get everything movement whether they earn it or not. Just for being alive they should get something.      What a lesson to teach the younger people. No wonder no one wants to work any more. They feel entitled so why bother working for it. Just ask and you shall receive. Bullshit.

If you want something you have to earn it!

You hurt my feelings. Bla Bla Bla.

If you are the kind of person where things hurt your feelings. Please keep it to yourself. We are not responsible for your feelings. And we don’t need to change because something hurt your feelings. There are many sayings to combat this stuff. Put your big guy or gals pants on. Grow up. Life is not always easy and what you want it to be. Other people have ideas and they have the right to have them. Allow them the freedom of their feelings and beliefs, even if it hurts yours somehow. While most of us hope to not hurt your feelings, sometimes it happens. That’s life. 

Trump and our country

It’s been awhile since I posted anything and have had this post sitting on desktop for a couple months. I think it’s time to post it.

Presdent Trump and the explosion in his brain or in his heart!
I am writing this not to ask for votes, or anyhing like that. I am writing because I belive in something and want to share my thoughts.

From the time Mr. Trump went down that esciluator he was destine for 4 years of abuse. He and his family were bombarded from day one with abuse of all kinds. Mostly from the oposing party but that wasn’t all. The media also took a very large part in all this. I am not sure why except that they didn’t like him and was going to do anything possible to destroy his chances of becoming our President. Well they failed on that and he beame our President. But the abuse never stopped. It became worse and worse. Included the first lady, their son and ther whole family. Terrible.

He never faultered in doing his best for the country. I firmly belive that. It was proven over and over. He did more in the 4 years in office than I and remember anyone else doing. An I have been around for awhile.

So after 4 years of abuse I think he kind of lost it in the end, who wouldn’t. I don’t think the January 6th thing was at all right but it was kinda pushed to the point of cracking by the abusers through the years. Lets face it our govenrment isn’t solid like it was years ago. Both sides have serious faults. But what happened in those 4 years was nothing more than abouse and that was on a sitting President. One who truely was there to help out country.

So where does this leave us.

In my world it leaves us very devided. Why because were led that way by our supposid leaders.

What can we do to better the situation?
I think we all need to choose our leaders better. Not by their worth money wise or there existing power but by the way they are inside. We need to elect them for a given amount of time and say good by to them after that time. We need to work together for the betterment on our country. Not other countries. We need to be strong when we need to be. And helpull to each other in every way. This doesnt meen buying people with free givaways, or allowing other to destroy out country by entering it illeagly. We need to have laws and abide by them.

These shootings and my ideas about them.

These shootings and my ideas about them.

There was the day that grammar school children were shot down and 18 of them killed. Along with I believe 3 of their teachers by an 18 year old child.

The other day it was several people shot down in a grocery store. And on anther day not far behind another mass shooting.

People ask why? I ask why? These are my thoughts.

I am 70 years old. I keep thinking of my up bringing. How was I taught to have respect for life in general, for other people. For everything. How to cope with problems. I don’t know but I learned it at a very early age. Have these things been left out of the up bringing process?

I think so. There are no easy answers to these issues we face as a country. There is nothing our government can or will do. This is up to us as a people to overcome. I feel it will take a couple of generations to do it well. BUT we need to start in order for the change to come. Maybe it can be quicker. I don’t know. But I do know we need to start.

There are several things I see that have bearing on all this. It starts with parenting. I know some will read this and say it’s always blamed on the parents. Well that is because that is where children learn about life the most, is from their parents. There are other not so well liked reasons I can think of. Perversion for one. Violent things in games. Violence in music. We seem to love violence. Kids watch it all day on their phones, computers etc. It becomes normal. Is this so hard to see? I don’t think so. I think the reasons are more like, I don’t have time to deal with my kids so I let them do what they want. Or worse yet I want them to learn to hate and love violence.

I’m not a real religious man, but do believe in God on my level. I do believe we should treat each other with respect and not cause harm to anyone. I would want that done to me. I don’t care what color you are, where you came from, how mixed up you might be. I will treat you as you should be treated and that is where we all need to get back to.

I’m going to stop here for a break and come back when this has calmed down.

OK I went off and left this awhile ago. Nothing has changed and I think I will just leave this and not ramble on about it. The point or points above speak my mind well enough.

We need to make change in this world of ours. If anyone has ideas on how to go about it please do chime in.

Elections and politicians

Elections and politicians

Gone are the days of hearing what a politician wants or plans to do if they get elected. It seems to be much more important to fight on stage with your opponent than speak about what you want to accomplish. What a waste of time.

What happened to the statements like If I’m elected for this office I will do this or I will make this happen? Now its just he said this or she did that. And arguing about it. Pretty sad.

Even if someone wanted to say something positive the opponent would’nt allow such a thing and try to turn the tables in their favor.

Will this ever end and get back to a meaningful debate. It is unlikely as I see this growing year after year. Election cycle after election cycle.

I would say we the people need to do something but what can we do? I don’t know. Run for office and join in on the insanity? It doesn’t seem like a way to make change.

I’m sorry but I don’t have the answer just the sickness in my heart that this is where we are.

The sides of illegal immigration

Let me preface with I am not for open borders at all. I believe if people want to come to our great country they need to do it properly and legally.

One side is our Administration and government in general right now. The people that hold the purse strings and our president and VP. Our VP was suppose to take the bull by the horns and manage the border crisis. She has done absolutely nothing but say our borders are secure. How can anyone think that is true? Our president is pretty much useless except for the fact he is moving us to socialist society. Our people are becoming more and more reliant on the government for help. Money, bailouts etc. etc. etc. There are things that I’m not going to get into because the subject is immigration.

The other side is obviously against the administration ideals. If I had to take sides which I wish I dint have to I would be on this side. As of late there are a couple three Governors that are fed up with the influx of illegal’s to their states. People being bused, flown into their states and states that are on the border dealing with this day in and day out. So these brave Governors have sent some, not many mind you but some to places that will feel the pain like they are in their home states. Yet the other side can’t see this and say they are wrong. Why are some right to send the illegal’s to other states and some are wrong sending them away. I’ve hear “what would lady liberty” think. Well the people do not belong here. They should do there migration in the proper way. Why does the USA have to save the world when we cant help our own?

The only answer to all this that I can see is to close the borders allow legal immigration once again and deal with the people by sending the away from our borders when the want to break our laws and just come illegally.

This doesn’t even touch the issues of murders, criminals, drugs and drug dealers coming into the US to kill, rape, and feed our children drugs that will kill them.

When are we the people going to take back our great country and say enough is enough. Lets be the USA again and do things right.


This is a travesty and everyone know it. I would hate to see a World War III but I know something has to be done. If it is us or some other country or the NATO group as a whole something needs to be done and soon.

I remember when this all started I saw the people of Ukraine on the streets going to work, school, wherever. It looked like one of our cities JUST LIKE us. Now they are being murdered, raped, tortured, and no-one is really doing anything to this bastard of a person.

The strength of the people of Ukraine is truly amazing. They have beaten back the bully but they are still being killed and worse.

I am no politician but I know someone has to do something to stop this and do it now.  We are all sick to see what is happening but all we can do is sanctions? I think and feel we need to do more to stop all this insanity Putin is causing. If he has lost his mind he needs to be stopped. If he is normally like this which I do believe is how he really is he needs to be stopped.

We all need to tell our leaders to stop him however it needs to be and do it now. If it means an escalation so be it. These people need help and need it seriously badly now.

I am going to copy this posting to some of the reps I have in our local government. IDK if it will get through to them but it is something I can do.


Talk about prejudice.

Let me preface this with. I don’t have a problem with people of color holding office or getting a job based on their worthy ness.

BUT when did it become OK to fine a replacement for a government official, in this case a chief justice, based on the color of skin? In my mind it should be based on the best possible candidate period. Not the best possible candidate if they are black, white, green, yellow etc. When do we stop being biased based on color? Either way.