These shootings and my ideas about them.

These shootings and my ideas about them.

There was the day that grammar school children were shot down and 18 of them killed. Along with I believe 3 of their teachers by an 18 year old child.

The other day it was several people shot down in a grocery store. And on anther day not far behind another mass shooting.

People ask why? I ask why? These are my thoughts.

I am 70 years old. I keep thinking of my up bringing. How was I taught to have respect for life in general, for other people. For everything. How to cope with problems. I don’t know but I learned it at a very early age. Have these things been left out of the up bringing process?

I think so. There are no easy answers to these issues we face as a country. There is nothing our government can or will do. This is up to us as a people to overcome. I feel it will take a couple of generations to do it well. BUT we need to start in order for the change to come. Maybe it can be quicker. I don’t know. But I do know we need to start.

There are several things I see that have bearing on all this. It starts with parenting. I know some will read this and say it’s always blamed on the parents. Well that is because that is where children learn about life the most, is from their parents. There are other not so well liked reasons I can think of. Perversion for one. Violent things in games. Violence in music. We seem to love violence. Kids watch it all day on their phones, computers etc. It becomes normal. Is this so hard to see? I don’t think so. I think the reasons are more like, I don’t have time to deal with my kids so I let them do what they want. Or worse yet I want them to learn to hate and love violence.

I’m not a real religious man, but do believe in God on my level. I do believe we should treat each other with respect and not cause harm to anyone. I would want that done to me. I don’t care what color you are, where you came from, how mixed up you might be. I will treat you as you should be treated and that is where we all need to get back to.

I’m going to stop here for a break and come back when this has calmed down.

OK I went off and left this awhile ago. Nothing has changed and I think I will just leave this and not ramble on about it. The point or points above speak my mind well enough.

We need to make change in this world of ours. If anyone has ideas on how to go about it please do chime in.

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