Illegal immigrants

So what doe that mean? Illegal immigrants?

What it means to me is a foreigner comes into our country, or any other for that matter, not following the laws of the country they are entering.

We have all kinds of laws. As other countries do. Laws that say you can’t steal from a store, Drive faster than the speed limit. etc. etc. If I break one of the laws I get in trouble with the police. I pay the price. Might be a ticket or worse depending on the crime. But if I commit a crime I have to pay the price if I get caught.

So Illegal immigrants are doing this. And their is a lot of them. They do get caught well some do, and nothing happens to them mostly. We pay their way giving them food, heath care, shelter etc. Hell if the homeless people that are citizens here need help we don’t do much for them. But hey break the law and come here illegally and we take care of you.

Why do we have to try and take care of the homeless when we don’t take care of our own?

I’m trying not to put blame on any group of people but it is hard not to.


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