
This is a travesty and everyone know it. I would hate to see a World War III but I know something has to be done. If it is us or some other country or the NATO group as a whole something needs to be done and soon.

I remember when this all started I saw the people of Ukraine on the streets going to work, school, wherever. It looked like one of our cities JUST LIKE us. Now they are being murdered, raped, tortured, and no-one is really doing anything to this bastard of a person.

The strength of the people of Ukraine is truly amazing. They have beaten back the bully but they are still being killed and worse.

I am no politician but I know someone has to do something to stop this and do it now.  We are all sick to see what is happening but all we can do is sanctions? I think and feel we need to do more to stop all this insanity Putin is causing. If he has lost his mind he needs to be stopped. If he is normally like this which I do believe is how he really is he needs to be stopped.

We all need to tell our leaders to stop him however it needs to be and do it now. If it means an escalation so be it. These people need help and need it seriously badly now.

I am going to copy this posting to some of the reps I have in our local government. IDK if it will get through to them but it is something I can do.