Illegal immigrants

So what doe that mean? Illegal immigrants?

What it means to me is a foreigner comes into our country, or any other for that matter, not following the laws of the country they are entering.

We have all kinds of laws. As other countries do. Laws that say you can’t steal from a store, Drive faster than the speed limit. etc. etc. If I break one of the laws I get in trouble with the police. I pay the price. Might be a ticket or worse depending on the crime. But if I commit a crime I have to pay the price if I get caught.

So Illegal immigrants are doing this. And their is a lot of them. They do get caught well some do, and nothing happens to them mostly. We pay their way giving them food, heath care, shelter etc. Hell if the homeless people that are citizens here need help we don’t do much for them. But hey break the law and come here illegally and we take care of you.

Why do we have to try and take care of the homeless when we don’t take care of our own?

I’m trying not to put blame on any group of people but it is hard not to.



Why doesn’t everyone think like me? I know I’m right. Why doesn’t everyone else?

Is this what we have become? There are two or three or four sides to everything. Every thought, every action, every feeling, everything. We should all respect each other no matter what we think and they think. After all I don’t think I am God. Or you are for that matter. So why are we so stubborn in our beliefs?

Whos to say this administration is right and the last one was wrong. Whos to say the last administration was right and this one is wrong? I have my views on the subject but I’d like to know yours too. Maybe you are right. Maybe I am! When you get honest with yourself history will be the judge. Not us not now.

I just had my 70th birthday and my whole life I have felt if we could harness the good in everyone WOW would this place be something. Think about it. The USA has some wonderful minds, as does Russia, and China, and Spain, Italy and on and on. Imagine putting all these people together for the good of all of us.

Pipe dream? Maybe but it is my dream to have all these great minds working on issues that effect us all. Is the e or a. I told you I don’t spell well. Get over it.

Anyway that’s my thoughts for today. Have a great day my friends and remember to realize you might be wrong or they might be right.

Has the worker vanished?

I don’t know about you but I and most of my generations including before me were brought up with the idea that if you want to survive you will need to work. That became a way of life for us. It seems now this has changed and people ypung and old no longer want to take care of themselves and work for their needs and wants.

I guess I saw this coming through the years with all the handouts the governments have given out. Welfare, food stamps, plain old money all for not working. Now I know some people are truly in need. They may not be able to work, for many reasons and I don’t think we should stop helping them. BUT they are few a far between.

It’s time people got a grip and helped themselves again. Not rely on the government to bail them out and stop having so many children just to get more money. Get a job there are many out there. Get use to taking care of yourself and your families you will experience a satisfaction that can’t be had without it.

Socialism is not an answer I want to experience and I’m sure you that do not want to help yourselves will like if we allow this to happen.

Step up, take control of you lives. Get a job. Work for what you like and need. We will all be better off.

Taking the knee

Why disrespect our flag, our soldiers, our country but taking a knee at the National Anthem? When other countries see this they must think our people have no respect for the USA. Hell our own people feel that. I’m sure youve seen the postings about how our soldiers would fight and Die for our flag. We should all respect that and our flag.

If you don’t like what we stand for and who we are , then why are you here in the USA? Our country is the best in the world and that hasn’t happened by chance.



So the wealthy want to spend their money and get this some of the rest of us don’t agree with it. Well it is their money right. If they would rather do something like fly to the moon or mars, rather then spend it on what you would like well that’s their prerogative, it is their money right.

I’ve been noticing on “the Facebook” that people are complaining about this. Why is it that for every action there is a negative reaction? Seem counter productive to me.

I wish people were supportive of others wishes. Especially when it is none of their business.

If I were wealthy which I am not I would spend my money on what I wanted and not what you wanted. After all I earned it and it is mine to do with as I please. I wish I had that problem. Maybe that is the problem!

Back to the mask

So we were on the road to recovery from this dreaded pandemic. But so many people are holding us all back by not getting the vaccines. This is why I don’t understand. I do understand it is a choice that needs to be private and personal but come on people are still dying and they don’t need to.

I guess someone might feel the shots are not safe? So lets say it has something in it that will make you sick in 10 or 20 years or maybe not. Wouldn’t it be worth while to live those 10 or 20 years or the rest of your life rather than die from Covid or spread it to someone else and let them die.

Now we need to mask up again. So do your part. Mask up, social distance, and pray the rest of the people come to their senses sooner rather than later.

This is real people. Get vaccinated.


Cable TV

Ok so watching Television as of late and having cable.

There is nothing to watch on the weekends and next to nothing during the week evenings. All we seem to be bombarded with are commercials. In a couple of years we will only see commercials and no programing.

These commercials have morphed into idiots making the most ridicules sales pitches of all times. It seems like a contest on who can be the dumbest. We either get these or drug companies pushing a drug for another unknown disease. I mean come-on if you get past the side effects they state your luck to be alive after one pill.

Am I the only one that sees this? I doubt it. Let us have some programs to watch please.

Also what was your cable bill last month? a couple of hundred dollars? Why is it so expensive. My god we have 100+ stations to tune into and 2 that might interest us.

That’s my short rant today on the cable crisis.

Thanks for tuning in and be safe.


Covid19 as of today

My first post and part of the reason for starting this Blog is going to be about Covid19 and it ramifications on my world and yours as I see it.

About a year and a half ago we started hearing about this new “flu like” thing in China. At the time it was said to be started by some animal biting some human. This has since been proven false. Thanks China for another disease. And a beauty at that. Weather or not this was intentional only history will know. The fact is we have it to deal with.

It has been a long hard road from day one. We have seen more serious illness than in any of our memories. Death has struck our families, friends, co-workers and more. All over the world not just in our own little countries. We have heard many things from the government, and Scientists, some correct and some false. No-one really knows all the answers even now. One thing we do know is it is very serous and can kill you. Simple facts there. It doesn’t really matter if your old, young or middle age you can die from this.

So we were told to wear masks, stay away from each other, 3 feet 6 feet. No traveling. What a trip. Talk about a vaccine will come and help put an end to the pandemic. We did pretty good I think in following the recommendations.  Some of which were forced on us. But hey our officials and our scientists did the best they knew how to do. Again some things right and some not so right. We all were learning about this.

This went on for a long time. No school, no work, no nothing, comparatively speaking to what we were use to it was a little taste of hell. Then all of a sudden a vaccine showed up. To some, me included, it seemed like it was too easy. Too quick to be any good. But we were told it was safe and effective. We were assured if you do get covid19 after being vaccinated fully you wont get sick enough to end up in the hospital, on a ventilator, or die from it. Well it has turned out to be pretty dam safe and very effective. The numbers went down dramatically. Besides the people that partied too hard we were getting a grip. Or so it seemed.

Our country and others started to open up again and it started to look like old times. We were told we could go out without masks if we were fully vaccinated. And we did. Slowly but surely we did. And I think so did the people that were no vaccinated. For whatever reason they feel it didn’t and doesn’t pertain to them. Well this brings us to today.

We are seeing hospitals fill up with Covid cases daily again. The numbers are getting like they were at the worst of times. Funny thing, well not really funny but most of these cases are of the unvaccinated. A small number of cases are vaccinated people but these cases are not serious enough to put them in the hospital or morgue. Sound familiar?

This is the part I don’t understand. We have a bad thing going around we call a deadly pandemic. We have found something to fight it with, that works yet some of us feel it unnecessary, untrue, unhealthy. Or some other excuse, not to get vaccinated. I’ll tell you from what I have watched. Yes it is possible for a very, very small amount of people to get sick from the vaccine but it also a fact that it protects us from the deadly pandemic if we get vaccinated.

Nothing will stop this unless we all come together and do our small part by getting vaccinated. I repeat Get Vaccinated so we can put an end to this once and for all. I’m not some government official, or scientist saying this for any agenda. Just a person like you saying this so we can be somewhat normal once again with a future that is bright.

Until next post have a great day. Stay safe and healthy and help the cause. GET VACCINATED for gods sake.


PaulMin’s Blog

This blog is starting on July 17 2021. It is my first real blog and it will contain my thoughts on everyday issues and needs of us all. This is my opinion and if anyone finds it offensive you can stop visiting. I am not a young man. I have been around long enough to know what I think and feel is right so take what I leave here as my opinion. 

It is my hope to bring some guidance to the world in some way. There are many many opinions out there. Some good , some not so good, some just plain mixed up.

While I have your attention. I don’t spell like an English teacher so get over it please. I try.

Thank you and I hope some will find this Blog and follow it’s travels.

My God bless and keep you safe.
