Talk about prejudice.

Let me preface this with. I don’t have a problem with people of color holding office or getting a job based on their worthy ness.

BUT when did it become OK to fine a replacement for a government official, in this case a chief justice, based on the color of skin? In my mind it should be based on the best possible candidate period. Not the best possible candidate if they are black, white, green, yellow etc. When do we stop being biased based on color? Either way.

Still Covid19

So were still fighting this thing after all this time. I’m seeing on the news what sounds like they are starting to see this treated like any other outbreak and dealing with it as it comes for like ever.

IDK what else can be done to change the minds of the the no vaxers. IDK if we should try. But I would have liked to see us beat this thing and make it a memory only not an ongoing lifestyle.

So if anyone is reading my posts I would love to hear so and maybe an opinion besides mine.

Stay safe and Happy New Year belated.


Animals and public places

Where did all this come from. I understand a therapy dog the real legal kind but this has gotten out of control. People bring their animals to the stores, restaurants, home improvement stores, all over. The place their dirty buts in shopping carts when we have to to put our food in. They sit them on chairs around a table in a restaurant where we sit and ets for gods sake. When did it become the norm for all this crap to happen.

Why are people so uncaring of others? We have stopped going to a few restaurants because of this. I do not wish to eat with animals. Sorry but that is not healthy or acceptable. We went out to dinner this after noon at one of our favorites places and actually saw a sign on the door. No pets allowed unless the are truly service dogs. I was very happy to see that, and told the girl at the door I was. Hopefully that won’t change.

I have had dogs, cats, fish, birds all my life and have Loved all of them but I would never bring them to a public place like that. It is just not right.


The employment crisis and more.

I’m sure you have all heard about this. No workers available. Just about every shop, business I drive by has a sign out help wanted. Small business will suffer badly for what is going on. Is this what you want to happen? There is much talk, action, about higher pay to get help. Don’t people realize what this will do to our economy? Say an employer pays minimum wage to a new employee to sweep the floor, keep the shop or business clean etc. Will this employee get paid $15.00 an hour? What about the more seasoned employees at this same business aren’t they worth more than new helper? So they need a substantial raise also. NOW who pays for all this? The shop owner will. BUT if he or she pays it from existing profits this business will go under in no time. So the owner has to raise his prices to the customers. Now the customers have to pay much more for the same item and the difference is called inflation. To the point that at some point the customer says I can’t afford that and doesn’t buy it. Now the business owner is closing up for a lack of business. And the employees are now out of a job. Big business may be able to make this work but small business’ will disappear. This is not a good thing at all. We all need to wake up and be real again. What is making this all happen? If it is our Government officials we need to rethink them and get people in that know what they are doing and in the right way for us the people. Not a short term good feeling and then a catastrophe.

Think about this PLEASE and come to you own conclusions. We are on a path that will lead us to a place none of us will like.

Hattian Immigrants

Have you looked at a map with Haiti on it. 1,974.096 miles from Haiti to the Texas border. The island is a little S-E of Cuba. There are a couple ways to get to Mexico from Haiti if your walking, each is a fairly large swim. Once in America, under the bridge in this case.

Who is getting these people where they can cross into Texas? Who is paying their way? Why? How come these people are so well dressed and clean? How come some of the men go back to Mexico to BUY food to bring back to the compound (bridge)? What is really going on?

More importantly why isn’t anyone talking about this? And even more important why isn’t our government talking about it?

Small Local business

I’ve been speaking about some things that upset me. I don’t want to be all negative, it’s really not me.

We all know how the cost of food has gone crazy. Seems everything is twice as much and some things even more. This gave me a thought about local farmers, and produce. My wife said today she was going to buy a bag of spinach it was marked at $5.00 and something, and this was at Wal-Mart. She refused to pay that when a few months ago it was $2.00 – $2.50. So we have decided to go local and buy produce from the local farmers, at the markets and road sides. We have many of them around town and in the countryside.

So that is our goal for this weekend to see how they stack up. The produce will be fresh, hopefully more reasonable and we can support local business. Being a businessman I know how that helps. So next week I will let you all know how it works out. And hopefully we will help a farmer and ourselves.



The worst day for our country that I’ve experienced by far.

It was morning and I was at work. News came over something probably one of the computers. We went into out large conference room at Seneca Data and the TV was showing the horror. I wondered if it was a strike or some kind of accident. I couldn’t stop watching I think for the rest of the day. I don’t think I could have spoken. It was such a terrible day. Then the second plane hit the other tower, and I knew it was no accident.  Seeing people jumping to get out of the towers, seeing the carnage happening wondering what will happen next. Then the Pentagon and then the people bringing down the 4th. What courage people have in America. It was a day we can never forget.

  I remember President Bush being told as he sat with the children. I could see the horror in his eyes. I must say I was extremely proud that he was president at that time. He did not hesitate on anything. It’s not for me to judge his decisions. I was glad he moved quickly and went after those that harmed our great nation. Many people died that day and are still dying today because of that day.

Now the people that were in charge of this horrific act own Afghanistan. Talk about “that’s not right” I know we can’t do things like this but I wish we could have just blown up the whole country over there and been done with it. Instead we spent 20 years there and our solders did good this. To bad it all fell apart on our exit. That’s another post entirely.

Anyway lets be sure we keep our military personnel in our prayers and hope someday things will get better. It’s a hard lesson and a hard road to recovery from such an act. It will never be forgotten by me and I’m sure anyone that was alive at the time will not forget. Here and abroad.

God bless America and our people.

The pandemic again.

Well I posted things about this prior but we are still fighting this everyday.

I first want to give thanks to all the people in hospital and other healthcare workers dealing with this. You are all amazing to be able to work with this. I don’t think I could. Well we do what we need to do right so maybe I would surprise myself. But it would be a horrifying experience. THANK YOU.

I hear more people are getting vaccinated. This is a good thing. Better late than never. More still need to put down their ridiculous reasons not to, and go get vaccinated. Some had said the FDA didn’t OK it so we’re not going to get it. Well that excuse is no longer valid. Got get vaccinated.

Help yourself, your families, your neighbors, and your country. Go get vaccinated.

I want this over and I’m sure you do too. Let’s beat this thing once and for all!


The presidency

In the United States of America, we have a president. Do we support them? Not as of late.

This is not about a side or a party it is about the USA and we the people. I remember a time when we supported the office no matter if we agreed with what the office holder had to say, what about or how he said it. He was the president and we stood behind him and the office.

Some of these guys (so far) have been great and some not so great. But we supported them. Now if one side gets in office the other side almost all will not support him. Some will say things like “he’s not my president”. Bullshit I say. He is and will be for his term. We should give him all the help we can from both “sides” of the fence. After all it is our country and we need to be UNITED. Remember that? United we stand Divided we fall. Well spoken words. I think a guy named Patrick Henry was one of the more prominent to say it in 1799. It has been said many many times and is really true.

We are a divided country right now and we need to get our shit together and get back to basics. Love thy neighbor, stand up for what is right. Realize we are one people and make the very best of what we have to work with.

He is my president and I will give him every chance I can to do well. Even if I don’t like him or what he is doing. Whoever he is at the time.

Nuff said I think.

Illegal immigrants

So what doe that mean? Illegal immigrants?

What it means to me is a foreigner comes into our country, or any other for that matter, not following the laws of the country they are entering.

We have all kinds of laws. As other countries do. Laws that say you can’t steal from a store, Drive faster than the speed limit. etc. etc. If I break one of the laws I get in trouble with the police. I pay the price. Might be a ticket or worse depending on the crime. But if I commit a crime I have to pay the price if I get caught.

So Illegal immigrants are doing this. And their is a lot of them. They do get caught well some do, and nothing happens to them mostly. We pay their way giving them food, heath care, shelter etc. Hell if the homeless people that are citizens here need help we don’t do much for them. But hey break the law and come here illegally and we take care of you.

Why do we have to try and take care of the homeless when we don’t take care of our own?

I’m trying not to put blame on any group of people but it is hard not to.